Kikoff Secured Credit Card mobile

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Rent Reporting

Kikoff can help you boost your credit with the rent you already pay. That's right! No heavy lifting for you.
Join over a million users who signed up for Kikoff!
How it works
Rent first look

Free with Premium or Ultimate Credit Account

We will report future rent payments to Equifax for no additional cost.

Positive payment only

Only positive, on-time payments will be reported

No chance for delinquency via rent!

Back reporting

Get your past rent payments reported

For a one-time fee of $50, we will report all verifiable rent payments from up to 24 months ago.

Rent reporting is as easy as 1, 2, 3
Link the bank account you use to make your rent payments
Submit a valid lease and your landlord information for verification
Rest easy knowing your rent payments are being automatically reported
What else can Kikoff do?
Our monthly credit monitoring reports help identify areas to improve so you can stay on track to build your credit
We identify errors on your credit report and dispute items with the bureaus for free
We reward your on-time payments with regular increases to your Credit Account credit line, helping your credit grow faster over time
Have questions?
  • With rent reporting, Kikoff can help you build your credit using the rent you already pay. All you need to do is link the bank account you currently use to pay your rent, submit your lease and landlord information, and let us report your on-time payments automatically. Please note that linking your bank account is for rental payment validation only and no money will be withdrawn from your account for rent reporting.
  • Your payment history is one of the most important factors in building your credit score and our rent reporting service helps you log more on-time payments to keep that payment history strong. Once verified, each rent payment will be submitted at the beginning of the following month. And once received, it typically takes about 2-3 weeks to appear on your credit report.
  • Reporting of all future rent payments is included with a Kikoff Premium subscription and does not require an additional payment to use. Premium users also have the option to get past rent payments (up to 24 months ago) reported for a one-time fee of $50.
  • Kikoff will only report positive rental payment data. This means that if there is a month where a rent payment is not found, Kikoff will not report any rental data that month and your score will not be negatively affected.
  • Reporting rent through Kikoff will be reported to Equifax and may be reported to additional bureaus in the future.
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